Vietnam Vet and Wife Receive Long Overdue Respect and Comfort

Clemie and Rosiland Roberts stay at the Palo Alto VA Medical Center Fisher House when Clemie is undergoing medical care for problems with his spine. Clemie is a Vietnam War veteran who flew surveillance aircraft during and after the war. The California couple loves meeting other families at the house.

Clemie and Rosiland Roberts have stayed at the Palo Alto Fisher House a few times. Their first stay lasted five weeks while Clemie, a Vietnam veteran, underwent unexpected spinal surgery.

The most recent stay was in April 2024, after Clemie experienced severe pain and immobility just a week after a pain management procedure. Transported from home by ambulance to David Grant Medical Center on Travis Air Force Base, he was discharged after four days. However, his condition worsened at home, and Rosiland decided to seek immediate treatment after finding him unable to get out of bed. With the help of a home aide to get him to the car, she drove him two and a half hours from their home in Vallejo, California, to Palo Alto Emergency Care.

(Fisher House photo by Craig Orsini)

“He was in excruciating pain—he couldn’t feed himself, dress himself, or even move,” Rosiland shared. “The Fisher House was a lifesaver. During our first stay, when he suddenly couldn’t walk and required emergency spine surgery, the Palo Alto VA placed me at Fisher House so I could stay close to him during his surgery and rehabilitation. It was a long and difficult journey. The most recent stay at Fisher House involved my husband undergoing six weeks of antibiotics, follow-up MRIs, and excruciating physical therapy.”

During her time at Fisher House, Rosiland reflected on the strength of the other families she met. She heard stories of a mother caring for her son, who had recently earned his pilot’s license but was struck by a drunk driver, and a family from Hawaii supporting a service member paralyzed after a fall.

“I thought, ‘Who am I to complain? I’ve only been here four weeks,’” Rosiland said. “All these families were experiencing such pain, yet we were all sharing our stories and supporting one another.”

Clemie Roberts chats with David Perez, a World War II veteran, and his daughter Felicia Perez Kausin during a visit to the Palo Alto VA Fisher House. (Fisher House photo by Craig Orsini)

Clemie echoed her sentiments, praising the Fisher House staff and the therapeutic atmosphere they created. “It’s a place where military families can find relief from financial burdens while staying in a beautiful facility,” Clemie said. “Sharing stories with other veterans and their families was incredibly healing.”

Clemie’s military career spans decades. Drafted into the Army, he trained at Fort Ord, California, and Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona before serving as a crew chief on 01 Surveillance aircraft with the 74th Reconnaissance Company in Vietnam. He logged over 700 combat flight hours. After two years in Vietnam, Clemie continued serving for 14 years in the Naval Air Reserve, flying in P2 Neptunes and P3 Orions, serving as a ground plane captain and crew leader on anti-submarine missions. In 1984, Clemie left the military and continued serving as a firefighter in the Ventura County Fire Department. Now retired, he met and married Rosiland.

At Fisher House, Clemie bonded with WWII veteran David Perez, whose story was featured in the Fall 2024 Patriot. David’s daughter, Felicia, stayed at Fisher House while her father received care. “It was incredible to see two generations— World War II and Vietnam veterans—connecting and sharing experiences,” Rosiland said.

Clemie recalled how David’s presence inspired him. “He was 104 years old and as sharp as ever,” Clemie said. “Seeing him standing and walking gave me hope. If he could do it, so could I.”

Rosiland found solace in the support of other Fisher House guests, especially during their mealtime conversations.

“We shared our stories, supported one another, and exchanged advice,” she said. “I learned so much—from needing a wheelchair ramp to resources like a chair lift. These were things I never thought about before, but the other families helped me prepare for our new reality.”

The generosity of volunteers also left a lasting impression.

“The companies that showed up and provided us with dinners on occasion did so exceptionally well,” Rosiland said. “As Clemie grew stronger, I would sometimes bring him over to the house for meals. It meant so much to him to know I was cared for, and it lifted his spirits.”

For Clemie, the proximity of Fisher House to the hospital was invaluable. “It was less than 100 yards away,” he said. “Rosiland could easily walk back and forth, and that peace of mind was everything.”

Both Clemie and Rosiland expressed deep gratitude for their Fisher House experience, especially considering how Vietnam veterans were treated upon returning home. “Today, he finally feels appreciated for his service,” Rosiland said. “We’re so thankful to Zachary, Elizabeth, and everyone who makes this possible for veterans.”

“Staying at Fisher House was an unexpected gift,” Clemie concluded. “The staff—Tracy [Marino, the manager] and everyone—treated my wife with so much love and respect. We will be forever grateful for what they gave us. And we know our outcome would have been much more difficult without the Fisher House. It was truly a blessing.”