Fundraise for this house.
Fisher House Michigan - local fundraising group
What are the requirements to stay at a Fisher House? How do I reserve a room?
Fisher Houses are given to the military services and Department of Veterans Affairs as a gift, and the commander or director of each medical center where the houses are located are responsible for establishing the eligibility, priorities, and selection criteria. Please communicate directly with a Fisher House manager for the requirements at a specific house from the "Current Houses" section of our web site.
Is there a charge to stay at a Fisher House?
No. Fisher Houses at VA medical centers do not charge a room fee; all room fees for guest families at all Army, Navy, and Air Force Fisher Houses are paid by Fisher House Foundation.
Are Fisher Houses open to all veterans?
Fisher Houses are open to all veterans of all eras. Eligibility varies by location based on criteria established by the medical center, so it is best to reach out to the specific house for more information. Fisher House Foundation is committed to building sustainable, inclusive, equitable, and resilient communities.
I have seen statements that no government funds are used for the program. Is this true?
Fisher House Foundation has received some Congressionally appropriated funds for the construction of new houses. Once an individual house is gifted to the military, it is supported by two sources of funds: (1) from the income generated by a Congressionally approved trust fund maintained by each military service (these funds are referred to as "nonappropriated funds") and (2) from voluntary donations, given by individuals and organizations. Houses located at VA medical centers do receive support from U.S. tax dollars.
If government funds are utilized, why are donations needed?
The government pays only a portion of the costs. Ours is a "unique private - public partnership," and in many instances, because the funds benefit a specific individual or family, laws and regulations prohibit the expenditure of government funds but do permit the expenditure of privately donated funds.
What is Fisher House Foundation’s overhead rate?
When nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt file their annual federal tax return (IRS Form 990), they are required to categorize each expenditure in three categories: program expense, administration, and fundraising.
Do Fisher Houses need volunteers? What skills or background are needed?
Volunteering is done at the local Fisher Houses, and not through the Fisher House Foundation. We suggest you contact the manager of a Fisher House directly - either by telephone or email. The manager is in a better position to know what is needed at his or her house. The names, phone numbers, and email addresses for the managers is at the "Current Houses" section of our web site.
May I stop by to visit a Fisher House?
In almost all cases, yes, but please have the courtesy to arrange your visit through the manager of the house you wish to visit in advance. Individuals or groups wishing to visit a Fisher House should do so during the week, and not over the weekend.
Are there going to be more Fisher Houses? Where will they be built?
We highlight future Fisher Houses - those under construction, and in the planning or design phase - on our web site. The decision where to build is based on need, and Fisher House Foundation board approval. Normally, a need and justification is submitted from the medical center to either the service Surgeon General (Army, Navy, or Air Force) or the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Fisher Houses at VA medical centers. The requesting medical center commander or director must demonstrate that the medical center's mission attracts patients from far distances (at least 50 miles) for long periods of time. While the number of beds at a medical center is a consideration, the center must normally be a "center of excellence" or referral center for other smaller medical centers or hospitals.
Who pays to build a Fisher House?
Fisher House Foundation pays for the construction costs and furnishings of each Fisher House. The Foundation also engages the local community to raise half the money for a new house.
Does Fisher House Foundation offer or provide grants?
Fisher House Foundation and Military Times Foundation partnered to create the Fisher Service Award. This annual program will award a total of $250,000 to be divided among the top applying nonprofits with innovative programs improving the life of active duty and veteran communities. Since the program began in 1999, it has distributed more than $2.75M across 200 nonprofit programs.
When will the 2025 award applications open? When will applications close?
Award applications for the 2025 cycle will open on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 2:00 PM EDT.
Applications will close promptly on Thursday, March 6, 2025, at 11:59 PM EDT.
There are no extensions or exemptions to this deadline.
I am unsure if my program/organization qualifies. What are the eligibility requirements?
Your program and/or organization must:
Please note: Award winners will be required to provide IRS Form 990 proving their 501(c) status, and most recent form W-9.
How may we utilize The Fisher Service Award funding?
Award funding may be used to execute any necessary program expense. This includes wages/salaries, supplies, capital campaigns, building repair, and professional fees (ex. Mental health counselors, physical therapist etc.).
How do I apply for a scholarship?
There is a separate "Frequently Asked Questions" section for the Scholarships for Military Children Program. This question and others are included. Please go to and click on the FAQ section.
I am a military spouse. Is there a scholarship program for me?
Fisher House Foundation sponsors a separate scholarship program for military spouses. The program is called the Joanne Holbrook Patton Military Spouse Scholarship Program and is administered by the National Military Family Association in partnership with Fisher House Foundation. Find out more.
What is this program, and when and why was it started?
Prior to taking the oath of office as President, Barack Obama wrote a children's book, titled "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters." The President chose to donate his after-tax proceeds to Fisher House Foundation specifically to establish a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled service members. He selected Fisher House Foundation as the fund to receive his donation. The book went on sale on November 16, 2010, and the first proceeds were used to fund scholarship grants to qualified recipients for the 2011-12 academic year. Additionally, Fisher House Foundation receives contributions from other organizations and individuals to help fund the Heroes' Legacy Scholarships program.
Can I use this scholarship to supplement other grant money that I am receiving?
We recognize that there are federal, state or private grants also available for the education of children whose parent died or became disabled while serving, and therefore any grants awarded through this program will supplement other funding. However, your total funding may not exceed the total costs for tuition, books, and other fees.
Can I apply to both the Heroes' Legacy Scholarships and Scholarships for Military Children programs?
Yes, you may apply for both scholarship programs as long as you meet the eligibility criteria for each one.
Why was the "Scholarships For Military Children" Program created?
Commissaries are an integral part of the quality of life offered to service members and their families. The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created in recognition of the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community. It is the intent of the program that a scholarship funded through contributions be awarded annually for each commissary operated by the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) worldwide.
Why is Fisher House Foundation involved?
Fisher House Foundation provides a "Home Away from Home" near military medical centers for families experiencing a personal medical crisis and is one of the premier quality-of-life organizations supporting military families. The Foundation was looking for a way to expand its service to military families and has volunteered to underwrite the administration of the scholarship program.
How many scholarships will be awarded and what is the award amount?
The goal of the scholarship program is to award a minimum of one $2,000 scholarship at each commissary location that receives applications from students who meet all of the eligibility requirements. Based on the number of applications received, more than one scholarship may be awarded at some commissaries.
My college will start early so our first term is completed by Thanksgiving. Will my check arrive before classes are scheduled to begin?
Normally, scholarship grants are mailed in late July. Please remember that the check will be made payable to the college or university but mailed to the recipient. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the check is sent to the college or university and credited to the correct account.
I just received notification that I will receive a $2,000 scholarship grant for school year 2023-24, but I now plan to take a year off and not start college until school year 2024-25. Do I send the grant check to the college now? Can the grant be held for year and applied to next year?"
If you will not be attending college this year, please notify Scholarship Managers, and they will defer sending out your check until next year.
If you will not be attending college this year, please notify Scholarship Managers, and they will defer sending out your check until next year.
No, it does not.
Who is eligible to receive tickets?
There are two categories of eligible recipients:
Fisher House Foundation has administered the Hero Miles program since 2005, in accordance with the 2005 Defense Authorization Act. The program is specific in that wounded, injured, and ill service members and their families are eligible. One exception to this is the provision of airline tickets to family members attending the funeral or dignified transfer of remains of a service member killed in overseas post 9/11 contingency operations, when coordinated with the casualty assistance officer.
“Service member” is defined as: An active duty member of the military, to include activated National Guard and reservists receiving treatment at an authorized medical treatment facility.
How do I request a Hero Miles ticket?
The service member will submit a request through a case worker, social work staff, or service casualty offices. At some medical centers, there are established offices to assist families, such as the Soldier and Family Assistance Center, the Warrior Transition Unit, the Warrior Family Assistance Center at SAMMC, or Marine Liaisons at Naval medical centers.
Can a child (unaccompanied minor) travel on a Hero Miles ticket?
Yes, however the service member is responsible for any unaccompanied minor fees.
Who is eligible to receive hotel rooms?
Hotels for Heroes provides hotel rooms to the families of wounded, injured, and ill service members who are undergoing treatment at authorized medical centers when a Fisher House is not available. In general, the focus of Hotels for Heroes support is for situations involving significant medical events and emergencies. It is not intended for general visits during ongoing outpatient care.Veterans are eligible when the request originates through a Fisher House that would provide lodging for that veteran but cannot because the Fisher House is full.
“Service member” is defined as: An active duty member of the military (to include National Guard and reservists on active duty status).
Can the Hotels program be utilized in place of a Fisher House?
No. When the service member or veteran is receiving treatment at a hospital that has a Fisher House on site, and the house has space available, the Hotels for Heroes program is not an option. Hotels for Heroes supports the Fisher Houses by providing lodging to families when a house is full. The family is put on a waiting list by the House manager and hotel lodging is provided until a room at the House becomes available, at which time the family must move into the Fisher House. Choosing to remain at a hotel will be at the family’s expense.
Who can request assistance from Hotels for Heroes?
Requests for lodging come from two primary sources:
Veterans are only eligible when the request originates through a Fisher House that would provide lodging for that veteran but cannot because the Fisher House is full.
What is Fisher House Foundation’s privacy policy?
Fisher House Foundation’s full privacy policy can be found here.
Fundraise for this house.
Fisher House Michigan - local fundraising group
Support Veteran families and caregivers staying in the Ann Arbor and Detroit Fisher Houses. Mingle with fellow supporters, enjoy an open, hosted bar and duo-plated dinner, participate in a live auction, hear Veteran storytellers, and more!
Detroit, , MI